Piazza Almerico da Schio - 00054 Fiumicino (RM) info@adrinfrastrutture.it

Quality & Transparency

In order to optimize business performance through a management system that aims to maximize the effectiveness of processes, ADR Infrastrutture has defined its company policy according to which it has implemented an integrated management system.

Quality System Management UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.

Environmental Management System UNI EN ISO 14001:2015.

Occupational Healt and Safety Management System ISO UNI 45001:2018.

ADR Infrastructure S.p.A. has included sustainability in its strategic and business policies by applying, realizing its works, the eco-sustainable principles prescribed by the voluntary LEED certification.
ADR Infrastructure S.p.A.has become a member of the Green Building Council Italia (GBC).

ADR Infrastrutture owns a plant for the packaging of concrete conglomerates with certified FPC system.

ADR Infrastructure has obtained the SOA certification for the execution of public works up to Class VIII (unlimited).


ADR Infrastrutture has its own Organizational Model in compliance with the current legislation (D.lgs n 231 2001) about administrative liability of entities - including joint stock companies - for certain crimes committed by directors, managers or employees in the interest or to the advantage of the entity itself.


ADR Infrastrutture adopts Mundys' Anti-Corruption Policy, which integrates the Group's rules for preventing and fighting corruption in an organic framework.
You can view our Anti-Corruption Policy here.


ADR Infrastrutture has adopted the Mundys Group's Code of Ethics, which defines the standards of conduct that employers must have in carrying out their daily activities.
The criteria and rules contained in the document concern internal and external relations with public institutions and also commercial partners and subcontractors.
You can view the Mundys Group Code of Ethics here.

Any reports of conduct that do not comply with the Code of Ethics can be addressed, even anonymously, through the following channels:

  • by e-mail:


  • by paper mail:

    ADR S.p.A., Team Segnalazioni ADR
    Via Pier Paolo Racchetti 1
    00954 Fiumicino (RM), Italy

  • in electronic and / or paper form to ethic officer at the following addresses:

  • through the dedicated digital platform, accessible from the following link:
